Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fenvir: The Natural Herpes Treatment that Worked for Me

As promised, I am going to tell you guys about the treatment that I use in order to combat my HSV-2 genital herpes. I've been using this product for about a month now and am glad I found it.

I am an athlete by nature and I treat my body like a temple. I'm not a vegetarian, but I like to keep my diet as healthy as possible. The antiviral supplement called Fenvir comes in a bottle of 60 capsules that are able to be consumed by everyone, including vegetarians. I will go over what is within the capsules so you feel comfortable about taking them.

What I like most about Fenvir is that their official website does not claim to cure genital herpes forever, as that would be a lie. You cannot rid yourself of this virus since it's a, well, virus. The FAQ tab on their site will lead you to an extremely helpful page with mostly all the answers you probably have. I will try to cover them in this post. If you have any other questions that I don't write about here, please feel free to write a comment to this post and I will certainly respond.

>>>UPDATE: There is an opportunity to get free priority shipping with your order. I just saw the banner on their website. I believe it applies to people only living in the United States.

What's in the Fenvir capsules?

The capsules contain a system of complexes designed to reduce and combat the herpes virus.

Immunizing and Anti-Viral Complex - All natural ingredients within this complex include Shitake mushroom extract, Amla, and red marine algae.

DNA Protective and Alkalizing Complex - This complex includes Rutin and Zinc, along with Chlorophyllin.

Stress-Relieving Complex - You will find that your genital warts will get irritated sometimes. This complex helps reduce that. Includes lemon balm and passion flower extract.

Antioxidant Complex - Biotin, folid acid, and black pepper fruit extract are among the ingredients in this complex.

I would write an in-depth description for every single ingredient in these complexes but I am not a science buff (studied history in college lol) and I also found a page on their website that explains all of these. You can find it at this link:

As you scroll down on that page, you'll find tons of descriptions of how each ingredient works to ease genital herpes. This product works both on people who have HSV-1 and HSV-2.

Another comforting factor with Fenvir is that they offer a 90 back guarantee. Whenever I see a satisfaction guarantee like that, I know that it's just that much more backed.

Speaking of "backed"...

I found a study that goes over how the main ingredients in Fenvir work for herpes treatment. You can find the study below. Just know ahead of time that it's really a lot of science lingo that me and 80% of the human population will probably not understand.

But how much does Fenvir cost though?

The price is VERY reasonable. I recommend just buying one bottle for $47.00 and trying it out to make sure you see positive results. After that, there are other pricing structures mentioned on the site which can save you money if you decide to make it a normal part of your supplement routine. No matter which package you decide to order, you will receive a treatment guide which covers everything you'll need to know when taking it. I encourage you to look it over and utilize the resource.

In my personal situation, I began to feel relief about 48 hours after I began taking it. The site says you'll probably notice relief/some sort of positive difference within 72 hours of using the supplement, so that turned out to be true as well. I really can't say enough about this. When you taking an oral capsule, you always want to make sure you're ingesting ingredients that will not harm your body in any way. I researched HEAVILY before taking it and that's why I can honestly say I've had no negative repercussions from this treatment.

If it can work for me, it can work for you!

Best of luck,

P.S.: I will be continually updating this post in order to keep all the information organized in one post. As readers comment or as I find other things that need to be addressed, I will certainly come back here and write about it.

Brief Overview of HSV-2 and My Experiences

HSV-2 stands for Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2. You will most likely see it referred to as Genital Herpes. This virus affects both women and men and irritates the person who has it by creating sores on the skin around the anus and genitals. Because it is a virus, it cannot be treated with antibiotics.

People often report that they saw blisters begin to spring up around a week after they've been infected. HSV-2 is a sexually transmitted disease that is known to not cause a lot of people any serious symptoms. Most people brush it off as a common cold sore or something like that. That's actually how my case began. I ignored the sores around my genitals for about a month and a half before finally getting to a doctor. I didn't think it was anything serious to begin with.

I was informed shortly after by my doctor that I definitely had HSV-2 and that my lack of symptoms experience was due to how the virus works.

The disease is mostly passed on from person to person via sex. Skin to skin contact will do the trick. That is how I ended up with this STD. On the positive side, I'm glad my symptoms were manageable and not too severe; it could have been much worse. Another positive note is that I found the closest thing to a cure which I will share with you in the next post.

If you are highly sexually active, menstruating, or very stressed out, you will begin to feel the virus' presence more and more as the symptoms will start to arise.

In my case, the sores spread throughout my penis (which yes, scared me quite a bit and was why I decided to see my physician). Others often experience them on their butt, anus, or vagina.

That's a very, very simple overview of what this virus is and why you get it. Sadly, you cannot ever completely rid yourself of it, but there is a remedy I found which worked for me. It has great reviews as well so I am hoping it will work for the majority of my readers as well.

About this blog

Hello everyone,

My name is Dante. I am an athletic, hardworking 20-something male who lives in the United States. I was diagnosed with herpes about 4 months ago and have since learned lots about the virus and what it is I need to do to *almost* cure myself.

When I was first told I had herpes, I was simply in disbelief. It was one of those moments when you realize that something CAN happen which you don't think ever will. I never ever thought I'd have to worry about getting herpes (specifically, HSV-2).

I choose to go to a doctor that doesn't like to rely on prescription drugs. A natural approach to any sickness (within reason of course) is what I tend to feel most comfortable with. I support giving my body a chance to put up a fight. My doctor told me about a few products and I had HUGE success with one in particular, which I will write about in a later post.

Along with product information, I am going to continuously update this blog on information regarding HSV-1 and HSV-2 and how I was able to cope with the symptoms.

I believe it is estimated that nearly 6 out of 10 people will encounter herpes on themselves during some part of their life. I was in the majority. That number is quite high if you think about it; nearly 60% of all people. Once I saw that statistic, I was a little bit more relieved and was able to get along with my research easier. I hope it helps you as well.

Visit frequently and you will most likely find a wealth of information in regards to this common virus. You can contact me by commenting on this post or any other post that is live on the blog. I will try to interact with my viewers as much as possible and answer as many questions as I can, as thoroughly as I can.

Happy reading, and good luck with your journey.
